On the evening of April 10, the International Higher Education Research Institute QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) released the 14th edition of QS World University Discipline Ranking.
This ranking has an independent comparison analysis of more than 16,400 university courses. These courses come from more than 1,500 universities in 95 countries and regions in the world, covering 55 disciplines.Natural science, social science and management: five major categories.
The ranking results show that American universities are in a leading position in the 32 disciplines and are twice its closest international competitors -the Britain, the latter leading in the field of 16 disciplines.Harvard University is the most powerful university and ranks first among 19 disciplines.Followed by MIT (MIT), leading the lead in 11 disciplines.
British universities ranked first among 16 disciplines.Oxford University ranks first among the four disciplines, followed by Cambridge University, University of London (UCL), Royal Academy of Art and Royal Conservatory of Music, and won the championship in two disciplines.
Mainland China stands out of the global higher education system, ranking third,A total of 882 projects of 101 universities were on the list among 54 disciplines, which were increased from the 851 projects in the previous year, second only to the United States and the United Kingdom.
Within Asia, the number of entrants won in the TOP10 discipline rankings in mainland China ranked second. Eight projects entered the TOP10. In contrast, Singapore led 29 projects.Mainland China also retains a high number of lists in TOP20. 33 projects enter TOP20 and Singapore has 51.
In addition, there are 123 and 256 disciplines in mainland China to enter the top 100 and TOP 200 rankings, which are at the forefront.

pictureMainland Chinese universities and disciplines of the global TOP 20: QS Drawing: Zhaqinjun

Peking University ranks first in mainland China with 44 lists.Compared with the previous year, its overall ranking has increased by 25%.The school’s modern linguistics squeezed into the top ten global, and classical literature ranked tenth with ancient history.Following the following Fudan University, 43 disciplines entered the list, more than seven last year.
There are 42 projects in Tsinghua University, which is shortlisted, which is two increases from the previous year.And the four projects ranked out of TOP10, which stood out, which was higher than any other mainland universities in China.These four projects are: art history, civil engineering, construction and construction environment, and environmental science, ranking fifth, sixth, eighth, and tenth in the world.
The Chinese Academy of Sciences entered the list for the first time, and a total of 17 discipline projects were selected.Sichuan University has performed well, and 82%of the discipline projects have risen in ranking.Harbin Institute of Technology and Tianjin University have raised 59%and 56%respectively.
China Agricultural University entered the top ten in the world in the field of agriculture and forestry; Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SHCM) won the tenth place in the music discipline, which is also the first time that the discipline has appeared in the QS ranking.

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