China Quality News Network News In order to further improve the ability of farmers ‘science farming, promote the knowledge of science popularization agricultural production technology, spread advanced concepts, technology, information, experience and other factors to farmers, and effectively improve farmers’ planting technology and economic income. Recently, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, Heilongjiang ProvinceThe Municipal Market Supervision Bureau in Xinkong Village and the Heilongjiang Provincial Supply and Marketing Digital Agricultural Co., Ltd. conducted a lecture on scientific farming knowledge, inviting agricultural technical experts to the village to teach farmers to teach scientific field knowledge, help farmers increase production and income, and help rural revitalization.

This training includes the use of organic fertilizer use technology, pest control, practical technology, use methods and precautions.Experts explain how to apply scientific fertilizer for scientific fertilization according to the soil nutrient report of Xin Gong Village to provide reference for farmers’ fertilization.Through lectures, consulting and exchanges, and distribution of information on the spot, farmers have taught agricultural scientific and technological knowledge to farmers to guide farmers scientific planting.Agricultural experts also patiently answered the on -site questions raised by farmers. The atmosphere was warm and the effect was good. The farmers benefited a lot and were welcomed by farmers’ friends.

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